FE501 – Reading OMF2 - Nonlinear

CH5 Quadratic Programming: Theory and Algorithms

A quadratic program can be written in the generic form:


Example 5.1 (Asset Allocation)

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 13.31.02

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 13.31.47


var(c1X1+c2X2+...+cnXn)=[c1,c2,...cn](coveriance matrix)[c1,c2,.....cn]T

Formula for coveriance matrix is:


Here, the problem given the correlation matrix, and we need to calculate the covveriance matrix first:


CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.01.41

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.02.16

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.02.32

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.03.53

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.04.13

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.05.11

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.05.56

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.06.24


Sensitivity Analysis

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.08.26

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.08.57

Ridge and Lasso Regression

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.10.31

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.10.42

CH20 Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorighms


Nonlinear Programming

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.11.29

Optimality conditions

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.12.16

Unconstrained Case

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.12.58

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.13.09

Constrained case

CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.13.49


CleanShot 2022-12-21 at 14.15.13